We offer test and repair for most Rolls-Royce ecu.
For logistical reasons the list of exchange units may be not updated daily.
Your device is not listed below?
Please, phone us - 0049 5325 5287840 - or use the request form.
Name of device | Model series | Engine displacement (l) | Power (kW) | Year of Manufacture |
0265103018 | Phantom, Silver Spirit, Corniche | 6,8 | 162 - 192 | 1980 - 1996 |
0265103044 | Phantom, Silver Spirit, Corniche | 6,8 | 162 - 192 | 1980 - 1996 |
UD71771 | Phantom, Silver Spirit, Corniche | 6,8 | 162 - 192 | 1980 - 1996 |
UD74793 | Phantom, Silver Spirit, Corniche | 6,8 | 162 - 192 | 1980 - 1996 |
No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information.
last update: 16.9.2024